If you knew me, you'd know that I don't quit. Well, at least in certain things I find worthwhile. Good music is one such thing, most definitely.

That said, I had to know more about Jean Pierre Ferland, the author of the song from Charlotte Gainsbourg's new album that kept playing in my head and in my CD player: Le Chat du Cafe des Artistes. A canadian, he is responsible for one of that country recording masterpieces, Jaune, the album you see on your right. So far, I haven't managed to listen to the full album yet (a sacrilege, I know) but what I have heard so far has served to prove what has been said over and over again: that it is an album of many moods and many hidden secrets, with songs unfolding its beauties with each new listenings and arrangements so exquisite you find yourself drifting effortlessly to another state of mind almost instantly.

But I'm going to leave you with the aforementioned track, mainly to serve as a means of comparison with the Ms. Gainsbourg effort in the post just below. Enjoy it.

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