Hello everybody and welcome to my new blog. Maybe 4 blogs the charm? We'll see.
Anyway, if you'd like to keep up with what I'm listening (just like it says in the Aural Greetings), just watch this space. And I hope you like my first recomendation: EARLY MORNING HUSH, an acid-folk compilation that came out in 2006 riding high on the new folk revival that's been happening for a few years to this date. I, myself am a devotee of this particular genre because it conjures all sorts of memories and feelings that belong to years spent watching british children's TV shows like Brendon Chase and the like. Remember those? The word you're after here is "bucolic".
Drawing inspiration from traditional folk music, the tracks on this compilation reveal artists that brought new musical lexicons to a genre once thought old and stale. Stand-out tracks are too many to enumerate here but Shirley Collins singing Poor Murdered Woman is always a show-stopper.
Anyway, if you'd like to keep up with what I'm listening (just like it says in the Aural Greetings), just watch this space. And I hope you like my first recomendation: EARLY MORNING HUSH, an acid-folk compilation that came out in 2006 riding high on the new folk revival that's been happening for a few years to this date. I, myself am a devotee of this particular genre because it conjures all sorts of memories and feelings that belong to years spent watching british children's TV shows like Brendon Chase and the like. Remember those? The word you're after here is "bucolic".
Drawing inspiration from traditional folk music, the tracks on this compilation reveal artists that brought new musical lexicons to a genre once thought old and stale. Stand-out tracks are too many to enumerate here but Shirley Collins singing Poor Murdered Woman is always a show-stopper.